23 January 2021

Five dreams and goals

1. Finish reading all the books and comics that I own.

There’s a higher chance of me getting hit by lighting while holding a winning lottery ticket while riding a unicorn than me actually achieving that goal.

2. Learning how to do DIY.

DIY is as baffling to me as sky jumping is in Saudi Arabia or vegetarianism is in Oklahoma. 

3. Seeing the day when my colleagues finally learn that I’m not married to someone from Thailand. 

- Hey Marco! How was Thailand?

- I’ve no idea.

- What do you mean?

- I haven’t been to Thailand. Never have.

- But your wife’s from Thailand.

- She’s from Taiwan.

- Taiwan? Where the fuck’s that?

(To be fair, Taiwan doesn’t have a decent football team, so it’s Taiwan’s fault if no one has heard of it, really.)

4. Having a conversation in Italian where I can squeeze in the words "but he died in Peru".

In Italian that sounds "in Perù però perì." If I can manage to say that to someone one day, I’ll die a happy man.

5. Being in charge of casting for a new movie which is about a group of five women (from Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and the Vietnam) who travel to Hawaii to take part in the Women Surfing World Championship.

I’m actually working on the script. It’s gonna be great. Working title: Waves of Glory. (There’s a sub-plot where one of the women falls in love with a balding, middle-aged, odd-looking yet somewhat charming Italian man.)